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  • The European Regulation 1107/2006 defines PRM "any person whose mobility is reduced  when using transport, due to any physical disability (sensory or locomotor, permanent or temporary), intellectual disability or impairment, caused by other disabilities, or is limited due to age and whose situation requires appropriate attention and the adaptation of the service made available to all passengers on the special needs of this person.

    According to EU regulation 1107/2006, the airport mangement company is responsible for the assistance of Passengers with Reduced Mobility (PRM), aimed at ensuring that all persons, without any discrimination, have full access to air transport.

    Before your trip

    Special assistance should be requested from your selected airline or travel agent when making reservations or at least 48 hours prior to departure.
     ! Please note that booking in advance  is essential to ensure the ready availability of resources and equipment required for assistance at the airport. Without booking the risk is to wait longer and also to compromise the assistance of passengers who have regularly booked, with a negative impact on the timing and quality of the service provided.

    It is important that the airline be provided with detailed information regarding all special needs. Assistance is free and the airline is responsible for informing any involved airports.
    The codes listed below are the standards utilized for classifying the various types of disabilities and the related needs:
    • WCHR, Passengers who have difficulties in walking long distances but can go up and down the aircraft access stairs and walk without assistance
    • WCHS, Passengers who cannot go up and down the aircraft access stairs unaided, but who are able to walk around inside the plane without assistance
    • WCHC, Passengers who are completely unable to move, are not self-sufficient aboard and require total assistance.
    • BLND, Visually impaired or blind passengers
    • DEAF, Passenger who is deaf or hard of hearing
    • DPNA, Passenger with intellectual or behavioural disabilities

     When to arrive: At the time communicated by your Airline and, in any case, at least 2 hours before departure in case of domestic or Schengen flights and 3 hours for extra Schengen flights.
    Travel companions: self-reliant persons with reduced mobility are not required to be accompanied unless there are specific security requirements.
    Medical Certificate: in particular cases (which does not apply to those with a long-term disability such as blind or those bound to wheel chairs) the airline might request a medical certificate.
    Mobility Aids: passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility are authorised to transport two mobility aids free of charge. Passengers using electric wheelchairs are obliged to notify the airline at least forty-eight hours before the flight.
    Assistance dogs: Certified assistance and guide dogs may travel in the cabin provided that the airline has been notified well in advance.
    Oxygen on board: passengers requiring oxygen during the flight must notify the airline in advance. The airline may then establish whether the passenger can bring his or her own oxygen.

    At the Airport

    Entrance to the airport is facilitated by:
    • platforms with access ramps
    • paths for visually impaired and tactile maps
    •  45 free dedicated car parking spaces 
    Terminal is equipped in different areas (Special assistance Lounge, departure extraschengen areas, info desk departures ExtraSchengen) of Magnetic induction amplification systems which allow the full use of the information to passengers with hearing disabilities.
    All new airport services are designed and made to ensure the maximum PRM accessibility.  

    The airport is equipped with lifts and special means suitable for transport and boarding by aircraft.

    PRM Assistance is completely  free..

    Request for ZTC permanence

    For PRM (Passengers with Reduced Mobility) arriving by car, a dedicated parking space is available outside the Special Assistance Lounge, upon request for permission in the Controlled Traffic Zone  (ZTC) through the online form.

    Special Assistance Lounge 

    You must arrive at "Sala Amica" - Special Assistance Lounge - at the time communicated by your Airline and, in any case, at least 2 hours before departure in case of domestic or Schengen flights and 3 hours for extra Schengen flights.
    There are two manned "Sala Amica", one in the check-in hall and the second after security checks, where PRM passengers can wait before being boarded.

    On the road towards the departures, there is a a lane with a reserved, free parking space, next to “Sala Amica”, where you can stop for a few minutes, waiting for the staff to welcome the passenger with reduced mobility

    Baggages and guide dogs

    Se necessiti di assistenza e sei già stato accolto dal personale dedicato, non preoccuparti delle operazioni di accettazione e trasporto del tuo eventuale bagaglio a mano; sarà cura dell' operatore assisterti in queste operazioni in tutte le fasi del tuo transito in aeroporto: controlli di sicurezza, gates e imbarco sull'aeromobile.
    Le persone con disabilità e a mobilità ridotta hanno diritto ad una franchigia di bagaglio maggiorata per il trasporto di apparecchiature mediche e/o attrezzature per la mobilità per un massimo di due dispositivi.
    I cani da assistenza riconosciuti viaggiano al seguito dei passeggeri non vedenti in cabina, senza oneri aggiuntivi e previa notifica alla compagnia aerea.

    On Departure

    On the road towards the departures, there is a a lane with a reserved, free parking space, next to “Sala Amica”, where you can stop for a few minutes, waiting for the staff to welcome the passenger with reduced mobility

    Assistance may be requested at:
    • Help buttons located at all terminal entrances
    • Intercom columns at car park entrances
    • Customer service desk located in the arrivals area
    • Check-in counter 
    • Intercom near the Alibus Stp
    • Intercom at Bus Parking

    Specialized personnel are available to accompany you from check-in until you board your flight.

    A Special Assistance Lounge is available, a waiting room dedicated to passengers who require assistance. It is located on the ground floor of the terminal, departures area.

    On Arrival

    After landing at Naples airport, you will be greeted by specialized personnel and assisted in disembarking, baggage claim and accompanied to the bus stop, taxi stand, car park or the arrivals area.


    Sala Amica: (+39) 0817896457
    e-mail: specialcare@gesac.it 
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