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  • Airport and noise

    The minimization of the aircraft-generated noise affecting the territory and resident communities is a paramount priority for Naples Airport in view of its balanced and sustainable management.

    For this reason, it is important to measure the noise produced by aircrafts in order to objectively monitor the evolution of this phenomenon over time and to assess the efficacy of the adopted measures.

    To measure aircraft-generated noise, the regulation prescribes the adoption of ad hoc method and metrics.

    Indeed, the level of noise is measured during the whole day and not just during the single noise event, thus allowing quantifying the amount of energy associated to acoustic events unfolding over a long period. As for night events, the value becomes ten times greater

    In these web pages you will find the most updated information regarding aircraft-generated noise and the answers to the most frequent questions.


    Flight operations

    Today’s aircrafts are more silent than in past and Airlines are gradually replacing fleets with aircraft with lower noise and environmental impact. 

    The noise produced by aviation operations is mainly due to two factors: engines (during take-off) are the first and the second is the impact of air on the fuselage, on the wings and on the landing gear (during landing).

    Moreover, the take-off takes place on a smaller part of land, because aircrafts rise very quickly, while landings involve wider areas.

    For this reason, one of the main factors of aircraft-generated noise management is to carefully distribute operations on both runway directions.

    Unidirectional use of the runway: indeed, Naples Airport has a runway oriented east/west, which can be used unidirectionally in both directions. This means that landings and take-offs can take place unidirectionally in one or the other side of the runway depending on the weather and on the optimal operating conditions defined by air traffic controllers. The balanced use of the runway provides that takeoffs take place mainly in the direction of the City of Naples and landings in the direction of the City of  Casoria.

    Noise abatement procedure for take-offs in the direction of the city of Naples: From 2005, the Airport Commission for noise management (Commission set as per art. 5 of the Ministerial Decree dated 31/10/97) developed a specific noise abatement procedure for take-offs in the direction of the City of Naples, in order to minimize the impact during the noisiest operations. This procedure reconciles the maximum safety given by the most updated radio-assistance equipment with the abatement of noise impact on the city.

    Indeed, it allows a considerable reduction of the overflying territory and thus a substantial improvement of acoustic pressure on the city, while maintaining safety standards unchanged.

    Monitoring systems

    In 2006, Naples International Airport was among the first airports in Italy to equip itself with an aviation noise monitoring system, thanks to which we can constantly monitor the levels of the noise generated by aviation operations.

    The monitoring system was realized and is managed according to the current Italian regulation; it consists of eight phonometric detectors, among which seven are fixed and one is mobile.

    Thanks to the acoustic, meteorological and operational data contained, the monitoring system allows to:

    to monitor every single flight operation in our airport, thus to assess the compliance with the noise abatement procedure for take-offs in the direction of the city of Naples.
    to measure the acoustic impact on the territory through the phonometric detectors, by registering the data needed to calculate the noise pollution indexes (LVA, Airport Noise Level Assessment, as defined by the Ministerial Decree dated 31 October 1997).
    to analyse, record and manage noise complaints, 


    Data and statistics

    The airport is normally closed to air traffic from 23:00 to 06:00.

    For operational reasons (delays arrivals, emergency flights, etc.), the airport is open to traffic in the way indicated in the NOTAM aimed at minimizing the acoustic impact, which provides:

    during evening and night hours (19.00 – 06.00), all landings are to be operated from Casoria (RWY24)
    during night hours (between 23.00 and 06.00) all take-offs are to be operated  from Casoria (RWY24)
    The above, of course, shall be applied without prejudice to prerequisite flight safety conditions and only when tailwinds are not in excess of five knots.  

    As regards noise abatement procedures for take-offs in the direction of Naples, the airport has attained excellent compliance levels (above 98%).

    Runway use

    To learn more about the percentages of landings and takeoffs on the City of  Naples and Casoria, you can consult the data here. 

    Acoustic analyses on the detectors (LVA)

    Please find here the noise levels given by the detectors and expressed according to the LVA index for the year 2020.

    Compliance with the noise abatement procedure

    We systematically check airlines compliance with the noise abatement departure procedure for take-offs in the direction of the City of Naples.

    Non compliance flights are reported to ENAC for the consequent fine.

    In 2021, we confirmed a very satisfactory compliance level at 98,89%.

    The Commission set as per art. 5 of the Ministerial Decree dated 31/10/9

    The Commission set in July 2000 in Naples Airport as per art. 5 of the Ministerial Decree dated 31/10/97, chaired by ENAC and composed of:  Italian Ministry of the Environment, ARPA Campania (the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection), Campania Region, the Province of Naples, the City of Naples, Casoria, Afragola, and Casalnuovo, ENAV (Italian Air Safety Agency)  and Gesac manages the issues related to airport noise by preparing and adopting mitigation measures .

    Over the years, it has worked on many aspects of aviation-generated including:

    Over the years, the activities of the Commission have regarded several aspects of noise management, among which:
    • Approval of noise contours for 2001-2002 traffic as well as the airport acoustic zoning in 2003;
    • Configuration of the airport noise monitoring system
    • Approval and adoption, in 2005, of the noise abatement procedure to mitigate the acoustic pressure on neighboring municipalities and its related surveillance and sanctioning procedures (Naples Airport was the first in Italy to apply sanctions to aircrafts).
    • Adoption of additional noise containment measures (e.g. NOTAM runway use).

    Ongoing procedures

    In this section you will find the main ongoing procedures within the several competent local entities and the Italian Ministry of the Environment.

    Noise maps and Action plan (L. D. 194/05)

    In accordance with the Legislative Decree 194/05, the noise maps (Lden and Lnight), have been updated with 2016 air traffic and have been forwarded to the competent authorities as per art. 3.

    Based on these noise maps, an action plan has been proposed and adopted, as per art. 4; the latter detects the improvement measures to be undertaken in 2018-2023 period.

    Below the documents relating to the Non-Technical Summary of the Action Plan and the Non-Technical Summary
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